Tris Thomas
Editorial Director
Tunnelling Journal
A product of generations of Cornish miners and mining engineers, Tris followed in the family tradition of going underground at the age of 18. Upon realising life could be slightly less punishing than 12 hour shifts collaring off 3m compressed air leg drill steels, Tris enrolled at the UK’s world renowned Camborne School of Mines in 1988, graduating with an HND in 1991. Then after gaining his Honours degree at University in London, he travelled to Australia in 1996 where he sub-contracted in the mining and exploration departments on Western Australia’s goldfields. Upon returning to the UK in 1999 he was offered a job as a trainee technical writer on Tunnels & Tunnelling International. Within two years Tris was to become the magazine’s editor, and with a solid team he steered the magazine from troubled waters back to premiership status. After 10 years with T&TI, Tris felt it was time for a new challenge, but still enjoys working in the industry and editing Tunnelling Journal, a magazine proud to be ‘from the industry, for the industry’.
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